The complications arising after the hernia mesh surgery can prove to be deadly if of a severe nature. A hernia mesh surgery gone badly can result in excruciating pain, and another hernia mesh surgery to correct the previous ones. These scenarios can also lead to hernia mesh lawsuits.
The hernia mesh lawsuits are patients’ claims against the manufacturers of mesh; these patients have suffered injuries and complications due to the failure of mesh.
These lawsuits blame the defective design of implant devices and condemn the failure of manufacturers to warn patients about the foreseeable and known side effects and risks. Such lawsuits end with manufacturers paying compensation to the affected patients.
Following are some of the common and severe complications that patients face if a hernia mesh surgery fails:
Hernia Recurrence
When mesh is used to repair a hernia, then it is less likely that it will recur. However, the possibility of a hernia’s return is still there. Complications like adhesion, perforation, fistula, and migration can lead to the recurrence of hernia after the hernia mesh surgery.
Due to mesh migration or mesh dislodging, inflammation is created in the areas containing the devices which results in bulging. Bulges in some patients might appear instantly, while bulges in other patients might require a longer time to appear. A patient can wrongly perceive these bulges as cancerous tumours.

The defective meshes present on the wall of the abdomen might apply pressure on the small intestines, colon, or stomach. It will lead to patients suffering from gastrointestinal issues, for instance, being unable to pass stools or gas. This is particularly the case for patients who have umbilical hernias and comprise scar tissue.
Constipation can cause other dangerous or painful conditions, such as fissures, haemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, or fecal impaction.
Hot or warm skin in the surgical site is a common complication that arises when the implanted device has shrunk, disintegrated, or dislodged. Burning might also mean that the implanted device has created an infection.
It depends on whether the patient of the burning appears over time or instantly flares up after the hernia mesh surgery. It is also possible that the burning might occur occasionally.
Nausea happens to be a common complication of different medical issues. However, it can prove to be a serious complication if the suffering patient has a device implanted within. Nausea can be due to the migration of the mesh towards the intestines of a patient, causing the intestine to block. It can also result due to infection in the stomach tissue.
Other problems might also arise due to persistent nausea, including electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.
Sexual dysfunction might be experienced by men after hernia mesh surgery. Patients suffering from inguinal hernias mostly face this issue.
The precise reason behind impotence can be different for every patient. Impotence may be because of irritation of inflammation due to mesh, the entanglement of some nerve with the implanted device, or the adherence of the spermatic cord of the patient with the device.
Insufficient energy is a serious complication that happens when a device implant doesn’t suit a patient. It can also lead to high fever in the patient as well.
The tiredness can also be because of inflammation caused by mesh infections as it takes strenuous effort by the body to battle it. Whatever the case may be, patients feeling chronic fatigue must quickly seek help from a medical professional.
Some severe complications due to a failed hernia mesh surgery can cause redness in the repaired area of the patients. Hernia mesh might also lead to the possibility of seroma. In the condition of seroma, body fluid gathers in the site of the implant. It may lead to secretions indicating an infection.
The most instant and common complication faced by patients after going through a failed hernia mesh surgery is pain. The pain might occur at the implant site or any other place where mesh creates complications. The pain can range from mild to severe.
Mild pain is normal to be felt in the subsequent days of a hernia mesh surgery, but persisting chronic pain should be checked by a skilled doctor right away.
Due to mesh migration or mesh shrinkage, the organs might get punctured. When these organs’ contents leak in the nearby tissue, it can give rise to a severe infection called peritonitis which can further lead to sepsis.
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