If you are not feeling well or you have a health problem, you can get the help of a private GP in London for free, but you need to make an appointment first.
Here are ways to access the services of a GP.
Booking, changing, or canceling an appointment
If you want to book or change your appointment at your GP clinic, you can do so through the following means.
- Online
- With your phone
- In-person by going to the GP’s clinic and talking to the receptionist
Some GPs offer consultation online or over the phone, if your problem is visiting a GP surgery, speak to the GP about online or over the phone consultation. In case you have an emergency, call your GP immediately.

Booking changing and canceling appointments online
If you have a GP and you are registered with them, you can book an appointment, check or cancel the appointment with the GP, nurse, or other health care providers online.
If you signed up for the GP surgery online services, log in to your usual service provider, and book any available appointment. If you want to change your appointment, first, you will cancel the one you have already booked, then book a new one.
Booking evening and weekend appointments
You can see your GP or nurse on Saturdays and Sundays, then evenings on weekdays between 6.30pm and 8pm.
If you want to book an evening or weekend appointment with a GP, call your GP surgery. Sometimes, you could get an appointment on the same day. Your GP surgery may offer you an appointment on weekends or evening with:
- Your GP
- Another local GP
- Another NHS service
Booking an appointment if you are not registered with a GP
If you are not registered with a GP surgery or away from home, you can call anyone for an emergency treatment which may last for up to 14 days. If your treatment lasts more than 14 days, you would have to register as a temporary or permanent resident.
Getting other services
Before you book an appointment with a GP surgery, check for other services that might help with your health issue. Other services include the following.
- Going to a pharmacy for treatment and health check, especially for minor conditions that do not need prescriptions
- Calling the NHS 111 for an urgent medical problem that you do not know how to handle
- Visiting the NHS website for urgent medical advice for persons of 5 years and above
- Visiting a sexual health clinic to test for sexually transmitted infections and contraceptive advice
These services above do not require you to make an appointment or register with a GP surgery. If you need to book a private GP clinic appointment near me, contact our private general practitioners at Blood London on 020 71830244.