Everyone likes cucumber often used as a salad. Cucumbers are a great source of many essential nutrients and antioxidants for our body. The amount of water in cucumbers is very high, so often many cucumbers are sold on the roadside in many cities in summer. In the same season, cucumber raita, cucumber vegetable, cucumber salad or similar cucumber cut are eaten a lot. Because the antioxidants and plant compounds present in cucumbers can protect against many diseases.
Health Benefits of Cucumbers
1. Cucumber Contains High Nutrients
Cucumbers contain the required nutrients and minerals. About 300 grams of unpeeled cucumbers – calories – 45 grams, fat – 0 grams, carbohydrates – 11 grams, protein – 2 grams, fiber – 2 grams, vitamin C – 14 per cent of RDI (Reference Daily Intake), vitamin K – RDI. 62%, magnesium-RDI 10 per cent, potassium-RDI 13 per cent and manganese-RDI 12 per cent. To get all the nutrients present in the cucumber it is recommended to eat it without sprinkling. Peeling the cucumber reduces the amount of fiber and some vitamins.
2. It Contains Antioxidants
Antioxidants reduce the risk of many diseases. Free radicals are responsible for oxidative stress which in turn may lead to heart diseases and cancer.
At the same time, the antioxidants which are found in excess in cucumbers work to slow down this oxidation process. During one study, cucumbers were given to people for about 30 days and finally, it was found that cucumber increased antioxidant activity. The elements of flavonoids present in cucumbers help to block harmful free radicals.

3. Cucumber Promotes Hydration
Adequate quantity of water is very important for our body. Water is very helpful in regulating the temperature of our body. Correct hydration of the body also affects physical performance and metabolism.
Normally, where water is hydrated, some people get up to 40% of their body’s requirement by eating water. Cucumber is considered a good source of water for the body because the amount of water in cucumber is about 96 per cent.
4. It May Help in Weight Loss
Cucumber can help you lose weight in many ways. One is very low calorie in cucumbers. If you eat a whole cucumber (about 300 grams), then you will get only 45 grams of calories. So you can eat many cucumbers comfortably and it will not increase weight.
At the same time, if you use cucumber in salads or sandwiches instead of other high-calorie food, it will also help in losing weight. The high amount of water present in cucumbers also contributes to weight loss.
In a study conducted on about 3600 people, it was seen that high water and low-calorie foods clearly helped people to gain weight. The cucumber seed oil also works great for this purpose.
5. Cucumber May Lower Blood Sugar
Cucumber can help to reduce diabetes-related problems by lowering the blood sugar level in the body. Several other plant foods were also included in a study. During this time it was seen that cucumber was better than other plant food in controlling blood sugar.
6. Cucumber Decrease Chance of Constipation
Excess of fiber and water present in cucumbers can help in regular bowel movement in our body. Dehydration is also a major factor for constipation. Cucumber keeps us from constipation by keeping the body hydrated.
7. Cucumber helps in Bone health
Vitamin K is found in cucumbers. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and is also good for bones. Vitamin K helps the body in calcium absorption. About 10 grams of vitamin K is present in 142 grams of cucumbers. Vitamin K is recommenced daily to 90 grams for adult women and 120 grams for men. At the same time, cucumbers also contain some amount of calcium.
8. Cucumbers Use in Home Spa
It is also good to add cucumbers in a home-made facial mask. If there is sunburn on your skin due to sunlight, then keeping slices of freshly cut cucumbers on it will also benefit.
In some situations, eating cucumbers can also cause harm. For example, due to excessive use of pesticides on plants, eating cucumber with peels can be harmful at times. So either eat the peel off or else wash the cucumber with warm water. This will make cucumber more secure.
- Cucumber for people struggling with sinusitis disease is not considered good. The reason behind this is that cucumber is cold and it can increase the suffering of people suffering from sinusitis.
- Pregnant women may have indigestion or indigestion problems by eating more cucumbers. Also, due to the high amount of water present in cucumbers, pregnant women may also have frequent urination.
- Some people are allergic to cucumbers which can cause swelling and itching.
- Cucumbers also contain toxic compounds called cucurbitacins and tetracyclic triterpenoids. This sometimes causes a bitter test in cucumbers. If this toxic compound goes into the body in a large amount, serious harm can occur.
- Excess of potassium in cucumbers can cause abdominal pain and kidney problems.