The great yoga gurus of India have created yogasanas keeping in mind all the physical and mental problems of humans. Late, but now the whole world has recognized yoga.
Not only scientists but also doctors have accepted that Yogasan can prove to be scientifically effective in removing various problems present in the body. All that is needed is to understand the correct sequence of yoga and take care of precautions.
But sometimes, due to carelessness and wrong posture, there is a problem of stiffness or pain in the muscles of the body. This problem is most commonly seen in the hamstrings.
The hamstrings are the muscles present in the posterior part of the thigh. These muscles lie between the hip and knee. Stretching in the hamstrings causes severe pain. Regular practice of yoga can relieve pain and stretch problems in the hamstrings.
So, in this article, I will give you information about 7 yoga asanas that make the hamstrings strong and healthy. By regular practice of these yoga asanas, you can also make the hamstring muscles healthy.

Yoga Poses For Hamstrings
1. JanuSirsasana
Janu headstand is performed by bending forward at the hips. During this, the head is touched to the knees or beyond. This provides a very good stretch to the shoulders, spine, hamstrings, neck, abdominal muscles, and groin. Stretching of these muscles helps to make them strong. This asana makes the body’s muscles flexible.
2. Hasta Padasana or Hand To Foot Pose
This is one of the styles of yoga posture with medium difficulty configuration. The duration of this should be between 15 to 30 seconds. It does not require any repetition.
The practice of manual Padasana causes stretching on the hips, hamstrings, and kavas while strengthening the knees, back, and thighs. This asana is very helpful for stretching in the ankles, calves, and hips.
3. Tittibhasana or Firefly Pose
According to Yoga Science, Tittibhasana is one of the major asanas that make up the balance of the body by the force of the hand. Continuous practice of Tittibhasana gives many benefits to the body. Continuing this greatly strengthens the inner groin and back torso.
4. BaddhaKonasana or Cobbler Pose
Buddha Kodasana is very easy yoga. A person of any age can do this easily. It gives a good stretch to the thigh muscles and groin. It provides good stretching to the hips, hamstrings, legs, ankles, and knees.
This asana eliminates blockage in our mid-body and increases blood circulation. With this practice, the hips get a good massage from both the front and back i.e. Regular practice of this asana also helps to overcome the problem of leg pain.
5. Parighasana or Gate Pose
Parighasana is the yoga style of yoga science. The time to do this is 30 seconds from one side. After this, repetition has to be done. This is a yogasana of simple difficulty or basic level. With regular practice of this asana,
- Upper Back
- Feet and Ankles
- Hamstrings
- Chest
- Hips
- Neck
- Pelvic
- Pelvis
- Quadriceps
- etc., muscles become strong.
6. AdhoMukhaSvanasana or Downward Dog Pose
When you practice the downward-facing dog, your body weight is completely on the hands and feet. This asana helps to strengthen body organs and maintain the right balance of the body.
In the head facing downward, the head is down from the heart while your hips are upward. The practice of this asana increases the supply of new blood towards the head with the help of the force of gravity. Therefore, this asana helps in increasing blood circulation.
7. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana or Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose
Performing the exalted hand, Padangushthasana stretches the arms, legs, ankles, hamstrings, and knees, which is very helpful in strengthening them. While doing this asana, the leg on which you stand makes it especially strong. It is also helpful in maintaining physical balance.
If you would like to learn more about yoga and meditation you can join yoga school in Rishikesh, this will help you incorporate yoga and meditation in your daily life and help you gain all the benefits that yoga and meditation have to offer.
Although these yoga asanas are not only good for the hamstrings but also beneficial for other muscle-related problems, overall, these asanas work to strengthen each and every body part in a manner that you find yourself in shape and balance. These asanas are equally useful in the hamstring just like other yoga asanas do.