There is much research and debate on both ends of the spectrum of the health benefits and drawbacks of consuming coffee. Given this beverage has been around for half a millennium and has become intertwined with many cultures across the globe there is a large pool of data on this matter.
However, most of the current data to date now advocates highly for the use of coffee. Specifically, because it is used by some as a means to socialize and for others it has become a habit to drink daily.
However, the main reason for its widespread acceptance is because this beverage offers a wide array of benefits that people cannot turn away from. To better elaborate here are the top 4 benefits on why you should consider including coffee into your lifestyle.
It Helps Elevate Overall Mood
The consumption of coffee is a well known past time that many indulge in across the globe. For many people, the beverage has become a norm that they habitually need to consume in their day to day lives to be satiated. For others who work excruciatingly long hours at their job, it provides a well-needed stimulant that helps refocus their minds. The stimulant, known as caffeine, affects the brain by making it release more dopamine. This in turn elevates and improves your overall mood if properly dosed and administered in appropriate time frames throughout your day. To add on, there is much research correlating that having a regulated amount of caffeine within your diet may help you fight depression from affecting your lifestyle.

Great for your diet
Drinking black coffee is shown to help aid those who want to lose the extra fat on their bodies. This is because coffee has two main benefits that are monumentally helpful while losing weight.
Firstly, it helps control the feeling of hunger and keeps you satiated for longer throughout your day to day life. Secondly, it elevates your metabolic rate to allow for more calories to be burned while at rest.
This is accomplished by the act of introducing caffeine to your nervous system which then causes your brain to release copious amounts of adrenaline. Which in turn causes your overall sympathetic nerve activity to increase.
Hence, activating your “flight or fight” safety mechanism to cause you to become more alert and have a sudden burst of energy to expend. However, both benefits drastically differ for each individual based on whether the person is a frequent drinker or not.
Essential Nutrients
Brewed coffee has many different nutrients that can be found in it such as Magnesium, Potassium, Riboflavin, and Niacin. The amount of each substance varies slightly depending on the best unroasted coffee beans that are chosen and the method they are brewed in.
However, regardless of the method or type of beans used, the amount of the nutrients found in a single cup of coffee is still significantly minuscule.
Though this may seem like an ineffective means to get your daily nutrition intake it is important to keep in mind that many people drink multiple cups of coffee a day. To add on, people tend to use many different additives such as creamers and sugar that drastically alters the nutrients and caloric intake each cup gives.
Helps fight neurodegenerative diseases
Coffee, as mentioned previously, is a stimulant that is frequently used by society. It is commonly used by many as a means to stay awake. However, the benefits of drinking a single cup of coffee are much more significant than this simple fact.
This is because it helps activate neurons within the brain to elevate the amount of dopamine within it. The increase of this neurotransmitter results in an increase in the brain’s neurological activity.
This is extremely helpful for those seeking a means of preventative measures to decrease the chances of developing or managing diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s that actively degenerate the brain.
Though drinking coffee has many great benefits that can be obtained by simply including it in your diet it is important to be wary of overindulgence of the substance. For example, when consuming 4 or more cups of coffee a day may lead to very adverse reactions to your well-being. Reactions such as your body may be put in a state of constant “fight or flight” mode.
This is concerning because you may develop increased levels of anxiety to a point that may lead your mind and body into an unsafe and unhealthy condition.
To add on, such a high level of coffee intake may cause your body to become dependent on the substance and may result in symptoms of withdrawal if cut off from your supply of it.
Therefore, it is important to keep your consumption of coffee in moderation just like all other substances you introduce to your body.