Brazilian jiu-jitsu is one of the most advanced and yet evolving combat sports. If we peek into the history of BJJ we will see that it was derived from the traditional Japanese style of jiu-jitsu.
Although the traditional style of jiu-jitsu was famous mainly because it helped instill discipline in kids. People used to leave their kids at day schools where they would practice the art of jiu-jitsu for months and years. However, the newer version of BJJ is still in evolving form. People are not only using new ways to help the game, they are introducing new maneuvers to make BJJ more effective.
If we dissect the moves and maneuvers used in BJJ, we will see that it has a lot to do with chokes and holds. Compared to other combat styles where the use of punches, kicks, and strikes is common.
Within BJJ you need to acquire submission from your opponent via bloody chokes and holds. To use these chokes you need practice however, for better overall, performing just BJJ centered workout is not enough. You also need to focus on the assisting workout and exercises that will help you improve your command over your body and increase the overall body flexibility.

With the help of this article, we will mainly highlight the importance of flexibility and why it is an important factor that determines your overall importance in combat. We will also highlight the importance of self-defense and why it is known to be one of the most important parts of the modern-day lifestyle.
Benefits of Flexibility
Ever wonder why every workout starts with a simple warm-up session? Most people will tell you that it helps in getting your body prepared for the intense workout. However, stretching or the warm-up session helps you in improving the body flexibility as well.
Now, most people think that flexibility will help them in becoming better at BJJ, MMA, and other combat based exercises but there is much more than flexibility has to offer some of the benefits that are linked with BJJ include:
- Flexibility helps you control your body much more effectively.
- Flexibility helps you open up the muscles which as a result help in reducing the chance of any possible injury. Without flexibility, you might end up getting injured easily especially using intense exercises.
- Flexibility helps you increase the degree of movement so you can kick higher, punch with full intensity and use full-body potential to beat your opponent.
- Flexibility is also vital in offering you high mobility and efficient working without feeling the strain of the muscles.
- Flexibility improves the range of movement of muscles so that you can defend and attack with full potential at any given time.
Importance of Self Defense
In the world we live in today, self-defense is one of the most vital skills. Parents are getting concerned about the sense of safety that is linked with their kids which is the reason they are now looking for ways to teach their kids about self-defense. Self-defense is mainly getting popular among women, kids, and youngsters who want to feel safe in this society.
Stats revealed that more people are now getting attracted towards self-defense courses after high profile sexual harassment cases are now becoming common.
- Self-defense instill a sense of discipline which is very helpful in day to day life
- Self-defense instills a sense of emotional strength and toughness that helps you cope with all kinds of conditions.
- Self-defense is vital in offering a better sense of safety which helps kids and women become much more confident.
- Self-defense is very good for the betterment of the community because it helps you enforce good behavior as well as help people feel safe and create a sense of security among your peers.
- Self-defense training helps in improving the sense of empathy among kids and adults by helping them learn about the price of pain.
How does Flexibility Help With Combat?
When it comes to the importance of flexibility one of the leading names that offers expert advice is Rickson Gracie. He is a 9th degree BJJ red belt professional and retired MMA fighter.
As a member of the famous Gracie family, he explains the importance of flexibility in combat and how it has helped him in his career as well. He explains that for combat training you need to have full control over your body.
The overall degree of movement plays a very important role in winning a combat game. When you are in the ring you cannot change the pace of the game because you have no control over the environment or the opponent.
However, within combat games including MMA sometimes chokes and holds get you in a very painful position. This often puts strain on your muscles, putting you in a very vulnerable position that might otherwise cause some serious damage if your muscles are not flexible enough.
However, with strength, you will be able to kick higher. Punch much faster and still be able to defend yourself in all possible conditions. With better flexibility, you will not only have a full range of movement you will also be able to defend yourself from all spots. Flexibility is equally important in GI and No GI BJJ.
Bottom Line
To sum it all up, you need to work on your flexibility before jumping into any kind of athletic activity. Most people start their athletic or combat journey by mainly focusing on technique.
There is no doubt technique is important but if you do not work on the health of your body, you will not be able to cope according to the intensity of the workout. According to the instructors, people lose a lot of weight in the first three months because the body is still adjusting to the extremely intense workout.
However, just flexibility will not be enough. You also need to focus on improving your strength and endurance because all these things will impact your performance in the long run.
You need to start with some basic warm-up exercises that will help you adjust and get you ready for the intense workout. Then you need to learn the technique and to improve your productivity you also need to focus on overall improvement so when you get in the ring you are able to have full control over your body.