Have you ever wondered why the tribal have such a strong physique without consuming the fiber and protein-rich food we urban generally consume? The secret lies in their food habit. Mulayari or Bamboo rice is one of the most effective and essential foods they consume.
This is a kind of sticky rice that is actually not rice! It is a grain that can be received from a dead or going to be a dead bamboo plant!
Bamboos generally live around 50 -60 years and flower once. Once they flower, the life of the plant is going to end soon. This is when the plant decides to store every bit of energy and potential in its flower so that its offspring can bear the legacy for the next 60 years!

Why is it pricey?
As we described, these green seeds are rare. A bamboo only flowers once in its lifetime. So, if it flowers, that is the best time of collecting this rice. After delivering the rice seeds, the bamboo will die. These seeds are not easily available across the world, but their benefits are well-known to many. Hence, people always need these seeds.
This makes the seeds pricey for most of the people out there! Let us discuss the health benefits of these seeds, and then only you will understand the sheer need for these seeds in the life of many!
How can you differentiate between normal rice and bamboo rice?
Bamboo rice has the same texture as Japanese sticky rice. It is gooey, chewy, and moist. It looks like paddy rice, and the texture is similar to the wheat we generally consume. Bamboo rice also has a sweet flavor, and thus, prominent chefs love to make desserts with this rice.
One can prepare any kind of sweet rice pudding or rice dumplings with this bamboo rice. The cooking procedure is the same as the normal rice. People can also consume it with other savory items that generally get consumed along with normal paddy rice! Apart from the stickiness, there’s no such striking dissimilarity between these two types of rice.
Health benefits of Bamboo rice:
Bamboo rice has so many health benefits, and some people consume it regularly. The major benefits are discussed below:
Enhancing fertility:
Fertility is one of the biggest problems across the world. In the Kani tribe of Kanyakumari, it is seen that women that consume bamboo rice give birth to healthy offspring. A scientific study was done on some rats. It showed that after consuming bamboo rice, each of these rats gave birth to around 800 offspring!
All these examples and results made it sure that these grains can manipulate fertility in women. Bamboo oil is available in the market, which is mainly made from these grains. The oil also enhances fertility by minimizing the endocrine and metabolism problems in women.
Enhancing bone health:
Body pain and joint pain are some of the most regular yet threatening health conditions. With the consumption of bamboo rice regularly, you can control these! The reason behind such health conditions is rheumatoid arthritis.
The joint pain, back pain, is tough to handle. But bamboo contains some magical ingredients like polysaccharides, alkaloids, flavonoids, etc. These ingredients are well-known to parallel medical practitioners who use them for their antioxidant features and anti-inflammatory features. With the regular consumption of these ingredients, one can skip the joint and back pain!
Stop diabetes:
Diabetes is a deadly disease without any remedy! Generally, women with polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS are prone to diabetes. This PCOS makes a woman glucose intolerant. Actually, PCOS enhances the glucose intolerance ability of a PCOS patient.
Hence, the next step is diabetes. But with the consumption of bamboo rice, this situation can be prevented! One of the major ingredients of bamboo rice is Linoleic Acid. This acid is known for its antioxidant properties. So, if you start consuming bamboo rice regularly, the antioxidant elements present in it will definitely help you fight diabetes!
Controlling blood pressure:
Blood pressure management is one of the essential features of bamboo rice. People with high cholesterol and hormonal problems face high blood pressure. If you have endocrine problems, your blood pressure will shoot high no matter what.
Bamboo rice has fiber in it, and it also has some amazing antioxidant features. These antioxidants help the arteries to stay in their current shape and not to thicken quickly. As the arteries are not going to thicken, the person’s blood flow and blood pressure will stay normal.
There will be no such changes seen in the person. It also helps to reduce the cholesterol level in the person and keeps his heart healthy.
Cuts down the cholesterol level:
Bamboo rice helps lower the bad cholesterol level in a person’s body. There is a magical ingredient present in bamboo rice named phytosterols. Phytosterols are the plant version of good cholesterol. Phytosterols help the human body by lowering the consumption of LDL.
They block the consumption rate, thus helping the heart to beat properly. Bamboo rice also has fibers in it. Fibers will keep the stomach full for a long period, and the person will not consume more food. This will decrease the chance of munching on wrong, high curb snacks and eventually lowering the cholesterol level in a person.
Enhancing dental health:
Dental problems can be seen in many people out there. The main reason is the bacteria formation in teeth. Vitamin B6 is known for its antibacterial properties. If one person starts consuming Vitamin B6 regularly, his dental health will stay normal. Bamboo rice has a high amount of Vitamin B6 in it.
A person who eats this rice daily; will benefit from the abundant vitamin B6 present in it. This vitamin will fight the bacterial formation in the teeth. It will also keep the teeth and gum healthy. This vitamin is also known for its potential to keep human teeth strong.
Effective for child health:
This rice is rich in nutrients, making it a perfect meal option for children. The carbohydrate, minerals, and fiber count is high in it, and it makes the children energetic. It cures indigestion in children and enhances the appetite in them.
It detoxes the vital organs in the child’s body and thus increases the workability of these vital organs. It also helps in developing the bones and muscle strength in the child. The rise of any pain and bone diseases is not seen in these children due to the effective ingredients of this rice. The dental health of the child is also taken care of.
This rice increases the dental strength and hence keeps the child away from tooth decay. All these features make sure that the child will stay healthy and happy, his full body growth will continue properly, and that makes it a perfect choice for your child’s meal plan.
Enhances mood!
If you have any nervous system disorder, bamboos can help you get rid of it easily! Bamboo and all its by-products have active protective agents in them. The rice derived from the bamboo shoot can regulate your mood properly.
The consumption of this rice regularly can make sure you stay happy in all situations, and it also controls your mood swings for good! If you consume this rice regularly, Dopamine and Serotonin emission will increase in your body.
These two agents are known for their happy feelings. Once these agents start secreting, you can feel a light and happy mood. It will keep you happy for long periods.
Stops Vitamin deficiency:
This rice is rich in Vitamin B6. This vitamin is known for its beneficial agents. This vitamin has some amazing features like increasing the function of nerves, implementing cognitive development, producing red blood cells, etc.
Without the proper presentation of this vitamin, a person’s body may face problems like Seizures, Cognitive disorders, Alzheimer’s, Anemia, etc. If a person starts consuming bamboo rice regularly, these problems will die down soon. The person will start feeling healthy, and the rice will boost immunity in the person!
Get rid of cough:
Bamboo rice is filled with phosphorus that keeps the irritating cough away from the person. Phosphorus is known for its anti asthmatic properties, and it keeps the respiratory system away from any infection. So, if regularly consumed, this rice can help keep the cough away.
Enhances digestive functions:
If you have indigestion, bamboo rice is the best option. The fiber present in bamboo rice helps to move the materials in the gut. It bulks down the stool, too, making sure that the gastrointestinal functions work properly. The whole digestive system will stay happy and problem-free once the person starts consuming this rice.
Endnote: This rice is still not very popular in major parts of the world. But the health benefits and other nutrient counts in this rice makes it a perfect choice for people out there. Once everyone knows about the benefits associated with this rice, they will start consuming it regularly. Thus the popularity of this rice is going to increase soon!
Facts and Figures of Bamboo rice
- The Bamboo rice have fertility enhancing properties
- Bamboo Rice have higher protein content than both rice and wheat.
- The regular use can help to control Joints pain, back pain and rheumatic pain due to higher protein content.
[…] ailments. Additionally, the food contains B6 and chromium, which strengthens the teeth. Ultimately, bamboo rice benefits everyone! When a grain can be so healthy for you, the benefits are many. So, what are you waiting […]
[…] can instigate glucose prejudice and furthermore hoists the gamble of diabetes. It recommends that utilization of bamboo rice can work on the ovulatory capacities in ladies and forestall the event of […]
[…] Kani clans of Kanyakumari have directed critical examination on the health advantages of bamboo rice. The rice diet is great for the clan’s regenerative capacity and fruitfulness, as per the […]