Iron Deficiency

How Iron Deficiency & Hair Loss Are Related

Hair loss can affect any age or gender and can have various causes too. Sometimes it’s male or female pattern baldness, and other times it is associated with your nutrition intake. Yes, you have read it right. Lack of nutrients in the body can cause hair loss or hair thinning. When your body has low iron levels, it can’t carry out the cell growth and repair process correctly due to a lack of hemoglobin in your blood.

The less supply of hemoglobin to your cells stimulates the hair growth resulting in hair fall and thinning of the hair. With timely treatment and proper intake of nutrient-dense food and iron supplements, you can reverse hair loss in a matter of time. 

What Does Iron Deficiency Hair Loss Look Like

Many people are unaware of hair loss due to iron deficiency and mistake it for traditional female or male baldness patterns. Though iron is not the only nutrient that is pivotal in hair growth, other vitamins and minerals do help. At the initial stages of iron deficiency hair loss, you might notice more than usual hair loss and bald spots in severe cases.

Treatment For Iron deficiency Related Hair Loss

Initial hair loss due to iron deficiency is temporary. However, sometimes it can lead to baldness too. Therefore, it is best to treat iron deficiency and other nutrient deficiencies first before moving to hair loss treatment. It is best to measure iron levels in your body if you think the hair loss problems are due to iron deficiency.

According to a study, women are more susceptible to iron deficiency hair loss. They should undergo routine checkups to track their nutrients level to curb the hair loss curve. Here are a few things to prevent this:

  • Eating Nutrient-Dense Diet

A healthy meal is above everything. If you take a well-proportioned meal every day, you can protect yourself from even chronic diseases, and these minor issues like iron deficiency hair loss cannot harm. Foods like salmon, eggs, soybean, and other poultry products are enough to provide you with sufficient iron your body requires. However, if you’re iron deficient, you can introduce iron-rich items in every meal you take in a day.

  • Annexing Vitamin C to your diet

One of the essential vitamins to increase your iron absorption is Vitamin C. Without optional levels of vitamin C your body will fail to accommodate sufficient iron. No matter how well-balanced a diet you are taking without Vitamin C, everything else is floccinaucinihilipilification. Help your body absorb iron efficiently with increasing intake of foods like broccoli, oranges, tomatoes, melons, and other Vitamin C-rich items.

  • Iron Capsules might help.

When iron levels are surprisingly low in a person’s body, doctors recommend iron capsules along with a balanced diet. Many women experience heavy hair loss during pregnancy, which can be a result of low iron levels. During pregnancy, iron capsules for women can help fulfill their iron needs and prevent further health risks. It is better to treat iron deficiency first and then take other initiatives to curb hair loss.

  • Protect your hair from external threats

When you have braced your diet and everyday routine with iron-rich foods, there are certain things you can try to avoid hair loss. Obviously, the diet and pills are going to take some time to reverse the iron deficiency. Till then, you can protect your hair from additional damages. Cover your hair when it’s too windy or dusty outside. Avoid exposing your hair to external threats like dust, dirt, and wind, as they can damage your hair further.

  • Go gentle with brushing & shampooing.

During the iron deficiency phase, your hair becomes thin, brittle, and more vulnerable to break while shampooing and brushing your hair. Be gentle while brushing to avoid breakage and damage to your hair. Besides, stop using heat styling devices for a while, and if irresistible, use heat-protectant gels and creams on your hair.

In Final Words

Iron deficiency is one of the most common issues that can be behind hair loss. Take a proper diet, iron supplements, and avoid heat styling to prevent iron deficiency hair loss.


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