What are the different kinds of fat?

Whenever we hear the word ‘fats’ we always associate a negative connotation to it, when actually there are four different kinds of fat, two of which are actually quite healthy for the human body. Fat is actually one the two components that help to create energy in our body, the other two being carbohydrates and proteins.
Fat actually has more calories as compared to carbohydrates and proteins regardless of what kind of fat it is; fat has 9 calories per lipid molecule as compared to 4 calories per lipid molecule in carbohydrates and proteins.
The four kinds of fats are:
- Saturated Fats: fats that come from animals such as milk and other dairy products, meat and skinned chicken
- Trans Fats: these come from baked goods such as bread, donuts, pastries and biscuits
- Polyunsaturated Fat: these are found in plant-based products such as corn, sunflower and soybean. They are also found in fatty fish
- Monounsaturated Fats: these are found in dry fruits such as nuts, peanuts and almonds
Saturated fats and Trans fats actually produce bad cholesterol in the body that can raise heart related diseases, whereas monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats lower the levels of bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
Fats are actually incredibly important for the survival of human beings; many fats actually have a very important role to play in helping the human body function efficiently. For example fats are responsible for:
- Balancing body temperatures
- Keeping our skin looking fresh and moisturized
- Help the body absorb and use different kinds of vitamins
- Keep our organs safe and protected by creating a layer around them
- Produce new hormones
Hence you cannot eradicate fats from your diet completely; you just need to know what kinds of fats to consume and what kind to avoid.
If you want to lose weight then that can be achieved quite simply, by only understanding the mechanism of the human body and under what circumstances it burns fat to create energy. Fat is a kind of a macronutrient that cannot be dissolved in water or blood but rather has to be carried around by lipoproteins. Whenever you eat something that is high in fat content, the fats are broken down by enzymes and the fatty acids that are left behind are then stored in your body and are used when you need energy.
The human body has a pretty simple mechanism when it comes to losing and gaining weight. If you eat more calories than you burn then you will automatically gain weight, however if you burn more calories than you consume then you will lose weight. It’s really as simple as that. If you want to get rid of extra fat from your body then yes, exercising does help a lot, however a change in your diet can make a significant change in your weight loss journey as well. You can easily lose that belly fat by just eating right!
Our body is designed so that it will always prioritize burning carbohydrates first in order to create energy; only when the body does not find significant amounts of carbohydrates will it turn to burning fats. So all you need to do is try and consume as little carbohydrates as you can, so your body turns to the stored fats to create energy.
Here are a few steps that can help quicken the process:
Increase the amount of proteins you eat:

Proteins are extremely filling and help you to satisfy your hunger for long periods of time. Skinless chicken and eggs are actually the best form of pure protein; other foods that are high in proteins include: fish and low fat yogurt or Greek yogurt
Consume more foods with high fibers:

Foods such as,
- oatmeal, cereals, pasta and bread made out of whole-wheat
- fruits such as berries, oranges, melons
- vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and sweet corn
They all have high content of fiber and they actually help to burn belly fat.
Do not eat refined carbohydrates:

We all love refined carbohydrates that can be found in bakery products, sodas and white wheat products. The body also happens to love them and prioritizes burning refined carbohydrates as a quick source of energy; however if we stop consuming such products then our body will start burning fats instead; helping us to lose weight more quickly.
Always opt for healthy fats:

As mentioned above, increasing the consumption of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats will help sustain our body and lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
These first simple changes in the diet will help you from gaining more weight and even start the process of losing weight.
What’s more? There are actually foods that help to burn fats in the body!
- Lentils

Not only do lentils have a very high content of proteins but they also have high levels of iron in them. Increased consumption of lentils in your diet will help burn fat in the body.
- Tea

Who doesn’t enjoy a hot mug of soothing tea at the end of a workout? We know we love it! Not only is green tea extremely relaxing but it also helps to burn fat.
- Low-Fat Dairy Products

Dairy products should be an essential part of your diet simply because they help to increase levels of calcium and vitamin D in the body. However you can opt for dairy products that have low fat content in them.
- Lean Meats

Lean meats include skinless chicken, chicken breast, ground turkey and lean beef. Such meats have low saturated fats in them and high content of protein. They are delicious and extremely filling!
- Nuts and Dry Fruits

We love nuts because not only do they make an excellent healthy snack but also because they are delicious! Opt for nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pistachios!
The human body has a pretty simple fat burning mechanism, and although exercising and remaining active help to lose weight, a huge chunk of our weight loss also depends on what we choose to eat.
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