Remove Lice

How To Remove Lice From Hair Permanently?

Let me clarify: there is no need for treatment for lice. Those pesky tiny insects feed on our blood and cause itching. Although it feels very bad, it is not a disease, so there is no treatment required for this.

In order to get rid of intense itching caused by head lice, you must take appropriate measures. Since you are exhausted and don’t know what to do, let me explain how to tackle them and clean your scalp of lice completely.

So, without taking much of your time and exhausting you further, let’s get started.

Know more about lice

Let’s take a quick look at this blood-sucking enemy, so better tackle it. Lice appears on the head when we come in close contact with someone who is already affected by it. Using items of affected one or where lice exist can also affect your scalp.

They have a very short lifespan (30-32 days) but reproduce rapidly. Adult female lice can lay around 6 eggs in a day, and they usually hatch after 9 days.

The nymph (baby lice) feeds on human blood and becomes an adult after 7 to 10 days. Adult lice then reproduce, and this cycle continues.

Those tiny eggs may look like flakes of dandruff. Both conditions are different and can be removed with different remedies, so it is important to know about dandruff vs lice symptoms.

Remove Lice

Is it possible to remove lice permanently?

Technically, it is possible. However, after proper removal, your head is free of lice until you come into contact with lice again. You must stop them from feeding on your blood.

To do so, we have listed some ways to permanently remove lice from your head.

Ways to remove lice from head permanently

   1. Use lice comb

Using a comb, especially a lice comb, is a great way to get rid of these pesky insects without much effort. A metal comb with fine teeth helps to remove lice manually. To do so, you have to rub (hard) the comb on your head to remove lice.

If you have dry hair, it may remove hair and make it difficult to comb. To tackle this issue, use a natural oil and massage your hair before combing. You can use almond oil, mustard oil, coconut oil, etc.

This will make your hair smooth and easy to comb. Regular combing is a great way to remove lice from hair, but for better results, the remedy below is very effective.

   2. Salt and vinegar remedy

Not all combs can remove lice, especially lice eggs. To completely get rid of the lice family, use a solution of salt and vinegar. Vinegar alone can work too, but salt makes the procedure more effective.

Salt will kill all living lice and vinegar will clear off bacteria and lice eggs from your head.

To do so, use a comb to remove visible or adult lice. Now, go grab some salt and a bottle of vinegar. Warm a cup of water and add salt to it. Now, mix a cup of vinegar with warm salt water.

Also read: Know The Causes Of Premature Greying Of Hair And Ways To Deal With It

Apply the solution to your head and massage deeply to let it stick to the roots. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and let it clear all the generations of lice living on your head.

Wash your hair with a shampoo thoroughly to remove residues. Do this every week until you see no sign of lice life on your head.

   3. Use medicated products

This works well every time and you can use it if you don’t want to rely on natural treatments. Some medicated products and shampoos are available to remove lice completely.

To do so, you can use over-the-counter products. However, prescribed medication is a better option.

A study conducted on the effect of medication on lice concluded that people who used OTC treatments saw around 70% effectiveness, while people who used prescribed medication from a doctor saw around 90% effectiveness.

This clearly shows which one is a good option if you are desperate to get rid of lice and their eggs.

So, it is better to consult a doctor to remove lice permanently.

Wrapping up

It is very normal to have a bunch of lice crawling on your head, especially in school-aged children. Also, it is not a disease and cannot harm you except by itching.

To completely remove lice from your or your child’s head, use the described ways properly.

There is no need to consult a doctor until you are okay with natural remedies for lice removal.

I hope this guide solved your problem and let you say goodbye to the lice family thriving on your head.


The content provided on this health blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content may not reflect the latest research or medical guidelines. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or health regimen. The authors and publishers of this blog are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, products, or procedures discussed on this site. Use the information provided at your own risk.

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