Sugar addiction is a common problem that causes many long-term health effects if steps are not taken to curb it. People enjoy the short-term high that comes with sugar consumption. However, the sudden drop in sugar level can cause erratic mood shifts, stress, and anxiety, making you reach for more carb-rich sugary foods, thereby making it a never-ending cycle. Apart from table sugar, there are many snacks and food items which contain added sugar that you may not be aware of.
Thus, if you feel that you are overindulging on food or drinks laden with sugar and want to limit your sugar intake, then here are a few ways that can help you to stop your sugar cravings.

Ways to Stop Sugar Cravings
- Eat Healthy Carbs: While it is a fact that all carbs break down into glucose, eating naturally healthy carbs can help you to curb your sugar cravings. Potatoes, pulses, legumes, quinoa, unsweetened dairy products, brown rice, pumpkin are packed with nutritional benefits that help boost your energy and keeps you satiated for a longer time after each meal.
- Stay Hydrated: Research indicates that dehydration can cause sugar cravings as lack of fluid makes it difficult for the body to release glycogen (stored glucose) for energy. Drinking plentiful water throughout the day is important to keep yourself from reaching out for a sugary treat for a quick high. Thus, stay hydrated at all times as water also provides you with many health benefits.
- Eat Fresh Fruits: One of the best ways to stop sugar cravings is to swap junk food with fresh fruits like berries, grapes, mangoes that are naturally-sweet. Apart from fixing your sugar cravings, fruits also provide you with other essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Plus, you can spice up your fruit intake by making a smoothie or adding fruits to a bowl of yoghurt.
- Dark Chocolate: This is an excellent substitute for sweet food items. Dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa along with a healthy plant compound called polyphenols that helps improve heart health. However, ensure that you limit yourself only to a few squares as this too contains sugar and fats.
- Exercise: Did you know that a brisk walk or a run can help reduce cravings? That’s right! Exercise helps release endorphins – which is the ‘feel-good’ chemical. It helps turn-off cravings and enables you to maintain a healthy life.
- Eat More Protein: When you get a sugar craving, munch on a protein-filled snack as it will keep you satiated for longer. Increasing your protein intake can help you to manage your carvings effectively. Also, there are numerous sources of protein that you can choose from – chickpeas, beans, red meat, chicken, yoghurt, organic peanut butter, eggs and more.
- Chia Seeds: This is a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids and soluble dietary fiber that keeps you feeling fuller for longer, thereby preventing sugar cravings. Apart from chia seeds, here are some other seeds that you can include in your diet.
- Sleep Well: Sleep deprivation can cause cravings as well as lead to poor appetite regulation. Thus, one of the simplest ways to prevent craving is to get a good and restful sleep.
- Avoid Stress: Stress can trigger sugar cravings, making you reach for comfort foods like ice-cream, doughnuts, cookies etc. So, if you want to limit your sugar intake, then you need to manage your stress. To relieve stress, you can practice yoga and meditation.
- Eat on Time: Eating your meals on scheduled time will further help you curb your cravings. And, if the cravings do kick in, eat wholesome snacks instead of junk foods.
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