
Top 5 Fruits to Avoid For Weight Loss

While it is absolutely okay to have fruits while on a weight loss diet, there are some foods that are high in sugar and calories count which might not let you lose your weight effectively.

So, what do you do now? Will making a change in your diet help out?

Well, you do not exactly have to change your diet a lot: managing the daily calorie intake with a little substitution will work out.

Also try Nucific Bio X4. It helps to control the appetite, curb cravings, boosts metabolism, and burn calories which promotes weight loss.

But, what are those foods one must be avoiding when they are on a weight loss diet? Worry not, in this post, we will be discussing 5 fruits to avoid for weight loss along with some tips on what foods in your diet can be beneficial for your overall health.

Let’s get started!

Why is slimming down essential?

If you think being over-weighted or obese does not make a difference in your life, you got to reconsider the fact. Our body weight and habits and food choices we make have an ultimate impact on our overall health and fitness.

Weight Loss

Tell me, have you ever seen an obese running 10kilometers at once without giving up in between? Precisely not.But on the other hand, what about a slim guy with a decent fat percentage in the body? You know the answer.

So, why is it essential? Because, there are several health conditions that obesity and being overweight might develop. One of those, the worst one is sexual health issues.

Obesity is one of the major factors in men developing erectile dysfunction. And however medicines such as 200mg sildenafil citrate or its alternatives might be helpful, but cannot cure the condition completely. To cure it, losing the weight back to normal becomes essential.

Moreover, Viagra (sildenafil) alternative doses such as Generic Cialis 60mg could also be helpful. Indeed, other health conditions such as high cholesterol, blood sugar problem, heart disease, and atherosclerosis are more likely to be developed in an obese person.

Read Also: 7 Best Tips for losing weight over 65

What are those 5 fruits to avoid for weight loss?

Generally, fruits are healthy while you are on weight loss diet or even without being on any diet: and are a great source of energy and nutrients our body requires. But, in taking more than moderate amount while being too frequent can contribute to weight increase or some health conditions as if diabetes and blood sugar problem; and the worst, it could get you obese.


100gm of Avocado has around 160 calories and it is much calorie to be taken from a dry fruit. However Avocado is a good source of healthy fats, over consumption of Avocado could add up weight on your body or even neutralize your weight loss growth in a very little while.


Grapes are great healthy fats and calories sources, but when you are on a strict weight loss diet, in taking them might add up extra calories which you have been trying to cut down so hard.

Dry fruits

Dry fruits like raisins and prunes are void of water content and so they have more calories. About a cup of raisins have around 500 calories and prunes on the other hand have around 450 calories which are a lot while you are trying to cut down your extra calories.


Doubtlessly, it is one of the best sources of calcium and protein and maybe it is your favorite fruit, but one banana has around 150 calories which you would not want to add in to your daily calorie count while on weight loss.


Mango is one of the fruits that contain a lot of sugar. However it does not contain processed sugar which is absolutely unhealthy, but at a point while you are losing weight, it can put up some unwanted weight on you.

Author Bio:

Dr Eva Nastart is an urologist with a leading hospital. He guides teams of doctors on male urology issues including erectile dysfunction. His degree in psychology helps him to understand emotional and mental aspects of a medical problem. It puts him in a unique position. That makes him a leading consultant to hospitals and companies dealing with male health issues.


The Site cannot and does not contain medical or mental health advice. The medical mental health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of medical or mental health advice, other than those based on personal experience.

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